August 10, 2016

Parade Entry

Dust off your sleigh, hang the holly, and participate in the 8th Annual Manitou Springs Christmas Parade!
Parade: Saturday, December 8th, at 5:00 pm

We want every family and every organization in the community to join us for the celebrate the Holiday Season!

Below is the ONLINE PARADE APPLICATION. We are looking for small floats, marching groups, bands, and individually decorated automobiles and/or units. We are recruiting Fire Departments, marching bands, and school and religious groups of all stripes or any entry that shows the uniqueness of Manitou! We have already invited Santa to be a part of the Parade and we ask that no other group have Santa. We don’t want to confuse the little ones!

DEADLINE: November 30th. Late fee of $25 per entry will be added after that date.

Apply Online Now

You must have a credit card to process the application and fee. We ask all entries to pay a fee to help cover the immense cost of hosting the parade. An additional 2% processing fee is added to every order. Online applications only, this is the only accepted application method. Sorry no refunds under any circumstances.